Since I really appreciate our new topic from the theme spinning blog, I spun a nice yarn called North Sea Waves. I used leftovers, so the only thing I can say is that it consists of wool and a little nylon and the skein weighs 39gms. I plied it with sewing thread (which contained numerous beads).
Dieses Garn wird erst mal in meiner Schatzkiste landen und mich an die Nordsee erinnern. Obwohl ich in einer ganz anderen Ecke Deutschlands lebe, habe ich mich im Urlaub einfach in die See verliebt. Wer weiß, vielleicht lande ich irgendwann doch mal da?
This yarn will stay in my treasure chest in order to remind me of the north sea, with which I fell in love during holidays (though I live in a remote corner of Germany)
CU + LG, eure Wollmaus.